Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) became increasingly popular due to their potential to change the way companies are built, managed, and governed by stakeholders. This leads to more control and increases transparency and accountability. But can DAOs really count on mass adoption?

What is a DAO?

DAOs are new types of organizations that are built and run on blockchain technology. They are designed to function as autonomous, decentralized entities that operate through smart contracts with decisions made by stakeholders through a consensus-based voting system.

Technically, DAOs are built on blockchain technology, which provides a secure and transparent platform for managing and executing smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing agreements that automatically enforce the terms of a contract when certain conditions are met. In the case of DAOs, the smart contract is used to encode the rules and regulations of the organization, as well as the decision-making process.

One of the main benefits of DAOs is that they can function as decentralized organizations, with decision-making power distributed among all stakeholders. This reduces the power of any one individual or group, making the organization more democratic and accountable. One of the best examples of a good DAO is the decentralized exchange 1inch. Additionally, DAOs are transparent as all transactions and decisions are recorded on the blockchain. This makes it easier to track and audit the organization.

DAO for Startups

Startups in particular are choosing DAOs as a way to bypass the traditional hierarchical structure of companies. Instead, they operate in a more democratic and decentralized manner. DAOs can provide startups with a more flexible and agile way of working, as decisions can be made more quickly and efficiently through a consensus-based voting system. This allows startups to adapt to changing market conditions more quickly and respond to customer demands in real-time.

DAOs also provide startups with a way to attract and retain talent by giving employees more direct say in the company’s direction and decision-making process. This can help to increase employee engagement and motivation, leading to higher productivity and better performance.

DAOs can also provide startups with a more sustainable way of operating, as they are built on the principles of transparency, accountability, and decentralization. This can help to reduce the risk of corruption and mismanagement, and increase trust in the organization.

However, DAOs are not just static organizations, but rather a continuous process of growth and change. As the organization develops and evolves, the community of stakeholders can vote to make changes to its rules and regulations. This allows the organization to adapt to the ever-changing market while satisfying stakeholder needs.

DAO in Legal Field

The legalization of DAOs is currently a topic of debate and varies from country to country. Some have taken a more progressive approach and are actively working to create a legal framework for DAOs. They recognize the potential of DAOs to provide a more democratic and decentralized way of operating. Other countries are more cautious, and are taking a wait-and-see approach as they seek to better understand the potential benefits and risks of DAOs.

It is likely that DAOs will be quickly legalized in countries with a strong tradition of innovation and entrepreneurship, such as the United States, Canada, and Australia. The US is among the headliners in terms of DAO legislation. These countries are actively working to create a supportive regulatory environment for startups and new technologies.

Why NiftyPlanet uses DAO

DAOs have the potential to change the way companies are structured, managed, and governed by providing a more democratic and transparent way of operating. One such company that has embraced the DAO model is NiftyPlanet; a Japan-based NFT marketplace.

NiftyPlanet is a platform for buying, selling, and trading Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) which are unique digital assets stored on the blockchain. A company chooses to build its platform using the DAO model for several reasons. One good example of DAOs among NFT marketplaces is Rarible.

One of the main benefits of DAOs is that they can save money on registration and tax deductions. DAOs operate as decentralized organizations, with decision-making power distributed among all stakeholders. Additionally, DAOs are transparent, as all transactions and decisions are recorded on the blockchain. This makes it easier to track and audit an organization. All of these aspects are crucial for the NiftyPlanet team.

The use of the DAO model has allowed the company to cut its expenses on registration and taxes. Because the platform operates as a decentralized organization, there is no need to register the company in a traditional sense, which reduces the cost of registration. Additionally, the transparent and decentralized nature of the platform reduces the risk of tax evasion, making it easier for the company to comply with tax laws.

Another benefit of the DAO model is the ability to implement a voting system for decision-making which is crucial for NiftyPlanet. This allows stakeholders to have a direct say which increases accountability and transparency. Additionally, the voting system can be used to distribute income between platform participants, providing a more equitable way of sharing profits.

The rise of Web3 applications is also a trigger for the growth of DAOs. Web3 is a new generation of decentralized, open-source applications that are designed to operate on distributed ledger technology. These applications offer a new level of interaction with users, who become more like partners than customers. This new level of interaction provides a more democratic and transparent way of operating, which is in line with the principles of DAOs.

NiftyPlanet operates on the Web3 paradigm which provides a more democratic and transparent way of buying, selling, and trading NFTs. This new level of interaction with users allows the platform to better respond to changing market conditions and customer demands as well as provide a more equitable way of sharing profits.


The DAO model can potentially become a paradigm shift in building companies by providing a more decentralized approach to operating, and NiftyPlanet is just one example of the growing trend of companies embracing this model. The creation of legislation for DAOs in many advanced countries will be the impetus for mass adoption of the technology.

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